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Rift S the usual USB3 sensor problem but a little different... I think.

Best Rift S users,
I need some help...
A few weeks ago my Rift S got an upgrade and is now on a black screen with three dots.
USB tells me Unknown USB device ("Link Compliance mode", or "Port Reset Failed", or "Failed Enumeration").
My USB port is not longer recognized as USB3, but 2.1.
This results in the typical sensor-not-found error.
Found some data about the USB-camera-driver not working to.
Everything worked fine before.
Cable is in impeccable shape.
The Rift S failed when the Oculus app upgraded the set to firmware 2.2.0.
In the meantime I tried every possible solution I found on the internet.
Notting solved the USB problem.
I red about a 2.2.1 firmware, but that never came through in my Oculus app.
What is very strange:
With firmware 2.2.0 the controllers are stuck on the floor and do not move, only the beam is visible an reacts to the buttons.
I did find firmware 2.1.1 an downgraded the Rift S.
The controllers are still stuck on the floor but now can move in all directions... still black screen and three dots.
I'm looking for firmware 2.0 or older and want to give that a try.
But can't find anything on the net.
Anyone with backups, or a location on the internet?
My specs:
Intel i5 12600K
MSI B760m-P DDR4 (MS-7E02)
32Gb Corsair Vengance
Two extra Renesas USB PCIE cards
Windows USB drivers 
3.20 extensible host controller 1.20 Microsoft
3.0 extensible host controller 0.96 Microsoft
3.0 extensible host controller
Oculus-appversie (
Rift firmware 2.1.1
controllers firmware 1.14.2
Anyone with good advice?
Many thanks in advance,

Accepted Solutions

Thank you for your reply. We would like for you to confirm the following before attempting the next set of troubleshooting steps: Please check the link cable for any physical damage or kinks, and if possible, try a different link cable. Also, we suggest that you remove from your Start-Up Programs any Anti-virus, Steam, Discord, or Overwolf, as these are known to cause issues with the Oculus Desktop app launching. 


Once you have confirmed the above information, please try these steps to repair the Oculus App:

  1. Download and run the Oculus Installation Software (
  2. You will see a screen that says "Already Installed."
  3. Click the "Repair" option, and confirm again on the next screen.

Let us know if these steps helped; if not, we will continue attempting other troubleshooting steps.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

View solution in original post

You make me tyred...

As personal as it can get.

I don't waist anymore energy on auto-bots that keep people for stupid.

This is where it ends...

Let me accept as solution and move on with my life without Meta nor Oculus...




View solution in original post


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi ConnStellation! We're sorry to hear you're having issues with your Rift S. We'd love to help you get this issue taken care of! We're going to start with some troubleshooting steps for your screen display first. Give the steps below and try. 


  1. Go to Windows SettingsSystem DisplayGraphics Settings
  2. Click Graphics performance preference
  3. Click Choose an app to set preference > Desktop app
  4. Locate your OVRServer_x64.exe. By default, this will be located as follows: C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\OVRServer_x64.exe
  5. Click Add
  6. Set this to Power Saving then close the settings menu and click Save
    • If this does not work or is already the setting selected, Performance Mode can be tried instead
  7. Reset the computer and test VR Desktop

Get back with us to let us know if they worked and then we can continue! We look forward to hearing back from you soon!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Thank you for a quick reaction,
 What I did:
- Fresh install and auto update + firmware install headset 2.2.0.
- As proposed by you: added OVRServer_X64.exe to Graphic Performance Preference and tried two settings, Power saving and Performance mode.
Reboot the system and tried all USB-ports.
Only differences are
- Two green dots for recognising USB3 and Displayport in the Oculus app. But sensors are still not working.
- A windows popup remark pops up "this device can work faster..."
- Controllers stuck on the floor as before but not moving anymore (only finger pinch and making fist)
  The OculusDebugTool SceneView does not show the Yaw, Pitch and Roll from the controllers (did show them with firmware 2.1.1)
USB is still in same state.
- Unknown USB device ("Link Compliance mode", or "Port Reset Failed", or "Failed Enumeration").
 Rift Meta Platforms Oculus VR Rift S Sensor is still recognised as USB2, and the power state is D3


Further tips?
I really would like to try a rollback tot an early firmware like 2.0.
For all I can think of, The set worked fine for a long time.

Fine regards,


@ConnStellation  I don’t think rolling back your Rift S firmware is going to help.  A buddy of mine isn’t having any issues with his Rift S with a rtx2080s gpu.  Last time he had problems I went over and found he hadn’t updated windows and his gpu driver.  I updated those and used the free app DDU in safe mode to properly uninstall the previous driver beforehand (google how to do this).  I also used windows device manager and uninstalled all his usb ports and let windows install these during a restart.  All worked fine after that and I haven’t heard of him having any problems, and trust me, I would have heard from him if this was the case, lol!

Sorry I can’t be of more help mate.  Your only other option is to contact meta support including your log file and see if they can help identify what’s causing your issues.  Good luck mate and cheers.

i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

Thanks for helping me out here.
I'll keep DDU in mind and will try this later on.
Today I did a new windows11 install and updated everything to the latest drivers.

I have a feeling a driver is actually missing or corrupt.
In Device Manager Rift S is within Imaging Devices as Sensor with usbvideo.inf driver but without power: powerstate D3
Under Sound, video and game controllers are 3 rift audio drivers active.
And one unknown USB device under Universal Serial Bus Controllers...

I Bought two powered pcie-usb3 cards, and I have now about 15 usb ports (lol).





Like who needs 15x usb ports, lol!  Seriously, disconnect any unnecessary usb devices while using your Rift S so you don't run out of usb bandwidth.

i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers


15 ports and 3 are used... keyboard, mouse and a faulty Rift S...

I dived in the drivers again.

And noticed all drivers are properly installed and working.
Except one. The one responsible for the sensors...
Matching device ID: usb\vid_2833&pid_4051  
Device USB\VID_2833&PID_4051&MI_00\7&26566ac&0&0000 requires further installation.
I still want to try a rollback but cant find any'older versions under firmware 2.1.1.
After an update this Rift S was out of use. Useless it became, and it makes me sad...
Will try the DDU-thing-tip from MPV now.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @ConnStellation! We were going through our posts and noticed you were having problems with your Rift S, so we wanted to jump on in and hope to help with that! We wanted to make sure that you can enjoy your PCVR experience, the best as possible. So that we can provide as much assistance as possible, we do have a few follow questions so we can assist you to the best of our ability:

  • When was the last time you were able to use this successfully with PCVR?
  • Aside from the troubleshooting steps you have listed, what other troubleshooting steps have you attempted if any?
  • Do you have any other headsets that you use?

We we also highly encourage for you to send us a PM, so that we can delve into this deeper for you and avoid any personal information from being shared on a public forum.

We look forward to hearing back from you and working together on this!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


Best Community Manager,

I did not quiet get your name yet.
Very nice that you want to dive in. 
I appreciate that very much.

Who I sent a private massage to? 
I don't have any addresses to pm to.

Al information is already in the post I have written at the start.
Except for the last question: I only have one Rift S at my disposal.

Steps where taken as you suggested on Thursday.
But without good result, the problem persists.

At this stage I don't think its the firmware of the set.
And will try again a clean reinstall of the Oculus-app.
Reinstalling and updating all drivers did not bring a solution either.

Fine regards,



Thank you for your reply. We would like for you to confirm the following before attempting the next set of troubleshooting steps: Please check the link cable for any physical damage or kinks, and if possible, try a different link cable. Also, we suggest that you remove from your Start-Up Programs any Anti-virus, Steam, Discord, or Overwolf, as these are known to cause issues with the Oculus Desktop app launching. 


Once you have confirmed the above information, please try these steps to repair the Oculus App:

  1. Download and run the Oculus Installation Software (
  2. You will see a screen that says "Already Installed."
  3. Click the "Repair" option, and confirm again on the next screen.

Let us know if these steps helped; if not, we will continue attempting other troubleshooting steps.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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