01-14-2025 05:56 PM
I used to play my rift s all the time on my PC but put it away for about 1.5 years. Trying to play it now and it wont get past the sensor check. Tells me the display port and usb 3 connections are fine but fails to to track the headset. It worked perfecting fine when I stored it. I've tried every usb port on my computer and no luck. Have tried every fix I could see online and no luck. In the device manager tab I only have 1 Rift S usb hub show up. But nothing I do gets the 2nd to show up. If the cable got damaged from just sitting in the box that's very disappointing.
01-14-2025 11:42 PM
Same issue. The only change was a new pc running windows 11.
01-15-2025 02:13 AM - edited 01-15-2025 02:17 AM
@kiteley94 Maybe try uninstalling/reinstalling the meta link pc software, or maybe just download it and run a Repair. Then delete your Rift S device and try setting it up again. Also, make sure your windows and gpu drivers are fairly up to date and go to your win10/11 graphics settings and disable hardware acceleration graphics (HAGS). This is enabled by default with win11 btw.
A good flight/racing sim buddy of mine still gets great results with his, even with just a 1080ti gpu. Also, try going to your device manager and click on the warning thing and uninstall anything Rift s beforehand, then let it reinstall this later. Sorry, all I can think of right now. Good luck mate and cheers.
Otherwise, contact meta support including your log files I guess.
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