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Rift for iMac 5K users (Or Mac users)

Not applicable
So recently I installed Oculus on my iMac 5k late 2014 version, here are some thoughts and tips:

1 iMac is not the machine for Oculus Rift, however if you install everything properly, it is possible to run Oculus Rift on your iMac with an external GPU and an extra monitor.  (iMac 5k doesn't support eGPU to run its own monitor therefore an extra monitor is inevitable)
   if you are thinking about purchasing an eGPU to run VR on your iMac, my suggestion is to buy another computer, becasue the price for another computer is not siginificant more than buying an eGPU and it will be much easier to set up Oculus Rift (I bought a GTX 970 from Bizon-tech, it cost me $948, and a Dell with 970 graphic card cost only $999)

2 Here are the steps that took me couple of days to figure out, pay attention to everystep, if you miss even one of them, it may lead to an unsuccessful stage.

Steps Begins:

1 Buy an eGPU. (My choice was a gtx 970 from Bizon-Tech Here is the link if you are interested:

2 Install win10 64 version with bootcamp 

3 Connect your eGPU (Make sure the power supply is legit) with your external monitor and iMac(I use a DVI cable to connect the monitor, Thunderbolt 2 cable to connect the eGPU,also don't forget to set DVI input to your monitor! ) 

4 Download Nvidia Expierence and run the latest driver,reboot when finished. If you are lucky, you should be able to see the content on your external monitor now.
   If you are not lucky and get a blue screen of ACPI_Bios_Error. and couldn't reboot into windows, you need to take the following steps,courtesy to this link:

a. Make sure your eGPU is power off.

b. Turn iMac on.

c. Hold Option/Alt key to get to boot menu

d. Power supply on your eGPU.

e. Wait at least 1 min or longer.... (Yes! Annoying)

f. Choose Windows

5 When you boot into windows with latest Nvidia drivers, you should be able to download the Oculus Rift Setup software, however you will find the software will not detect your eGPU and says "Upgrade your drivers to latest Version" now you need to take the following steps, courtesy to this link: ""

a Gto Device Manager, right click the offending card under "Display Adapters", and disable it. 

b Restart and complete the Oculus setup.

c Enable the card again.

6 Click the Oculus iCon and follow the setups and then you should be able to run VR on your Mac.

However that still leaves with the question above, does anyone know how to solve the issue of APCI_BIos_Error ? I guess at this moment for people who use eGPU, we have to bear with the frustrating booting process.

Comment and Share, Thanks.



Heroic Explorer
I hesitate to be a second poster in a thread with such a great OP since most second posters merely react with no thought.. but...
I had considered an eGPU for my iMac for a long time, did so much research and eventually came to the conclusion that building a VR ready PC 'just' to run the CV1 was the easiest option. Esp as time passes... the upgrades will be easier and Apple doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with updating open GL )-:
A sad state.
For your money and peace of mind going forward, start building one of those 'bill gates' machines to run VR and then when you have some spare cash upgrade it piece by piece or you'll be forever chasing drivers,updates and incompatibility ad-infinatum using bootcamp via your Mac.
Win 10 Pro, GTX 1080, Asus Z170 Deluxe, Nvidia 391.35

Being the third person to reply to such a great OP is too hard, so I give up. 
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