02:55 PM
- last edited on
11:57 AM
My meta right meta quest pro controller just blinks blue, and sometimes is a solid white or blinking white light. I have paired and unaired multiple times, and that works just fine. But it just never shows up on the screen and says it’s not connected? Please help me fix this.
06-22-2023 08:16 AM
Hiya there @Lotion2011! We couldn't help but notice that you are having issues with your Quest Pro controller tracking. We'd be more than happy to lend you a hand with this. If you are having trouble with pairing or controller tracking, please try the following:
We hope this helps. If you continue to have issues, please reach back out. We'd be happy to provide you with additional troubleshooting. We hope to hear from you soon!
06-23-2023 08:35 AM
Hiya there! Just swinging by to see if you still needed help with your controller tracking. Hit us up anytime if you still need our help. We hope to hear from you soon!
07-21-2024 12:32 PM
Hello, I am having the same problem, after 1-2 minutes my right controller stops working. I tried everything including factory settings, pairing/unpairing and did not work. Please help!
07-25-2024 02:02 PM
Hey there, @hakangulerce.2024! We see you are communicating with us via PM, and we'll be happy to assist you there!
12-22-2024 05:13 PM - edited 12-22-2024 05:14 PM
Hi there, I suddenly had similar problems for just my left controller, was playing fine for about 2 hours and suddenly a message pops up saying "left controller warm, will shut down in 5 minutes".
So I switched it off and left the controller to rest for about an hour. When switching back on, I instantly received two messages, one that tracking is not working and two the left controller is warm and will shut down in 5 minutes, I noticed the LED light on the left controller has went dim.
I've tried restarting the controllers and factory resetting my headset with no success... Very sad because I baby this headset and am very careful with it, not sure why it has stopped working despite only purchasing the quest pro in late June 2024
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