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Right Meta S3 controller keeps disconnecting and reconnecting


I bought the Meta S3 for Christmas for my son his right controller keeps on disconnecting and reconnecting while in use. I have taken the batteries out and replaced them, I have unpaired and paired the controller at least 5 times, I have tried a factory reset and nothing is working. It's frustrating when he's in the middle of a game and he keeps telling me the right controller is disconnected and then reconnects on its own. Is there anything else I can do or is the controller faulty? Thanks.


Accepted Solutions

So I tried the foil trick but there were still issues with the controller disconnecting and re-connecting. I finally switched out the Meta rechargeable battery and tried a standard battery and that worked. It seems that the issue was with a defective rechargeable battery that will need to be replaced.

View solution in original post



@deceptionist4  might this be your issue. The controller was packaged with a battery and a plastic strip which is pulled out. Depending on the time the new 3s was stored after manufacture before purchase, the controller battery plunger springs may have compressed slightly, and so will make intermittent contact with the battery. More info here - 

 Re: Controller Battery stuck at 0% - Page 2 - Meta Community Forums - 963802

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Thank you for the suggestion! I will try this and let you know if it works!

So I tried the foil trick but there were still issues with the controller disconnecting and re-connecting. I finally switched out the Meta rechargeable battery and tried a standard battery and that worked. It seems that the issue was with a defective rechargeable battery that will need to be replaced.

@deceptionist4  are the meta rechargeable batteries different heights to your rechargeables?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

They are not. The Meta rechargeable batteries were made specifically for the S and S3 controllers.

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