12-23-2024 06:44 AM - edited 12-23-2024 07:52 AM
Weird issue I ran into today, the right controller tracks, and it recognizes the meta quest button, but all the other buttons are dead except the analog stick which corresponds on the digital controller (not the other buttons though), when I try to click through menus with trigger or A nothing happens.
Before there wouldn't even be a hover effect if I placed the cursor on the menu items, however it's randomly back now.
Also the thumb on the ghost hand outline is not responding to my actions, it kind of appears as if it is pressing down on the a or b buttons (kind of in between) although it doesn't register the input, (the buttons on the virtual controller are not pressed down either)
I tried factory reset, pair unpair, changing the batteries and the foil trick on the negative battery prong or whatever you want to call it to no avail.
EDIT: OK more info, it seems to work for like 2 seconds after restart and in the power off menu so I think it's software related
EDIT 2: OK it feels like it acutally maybe IS holding A because when I draw a boundary, its always drawing
12-23-2024 06:49 AM
OK more info, it seems to work for like 2 seconds after restart and in the power off menu so I think it's software related
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