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Right controller wont pair

Honored Guest

I recently replaced the thumbstick in my right controller and now it wont go into pairing mode . It wakes up when i push a button but when i hild down the buttons for pairing mode it doesn't do anything


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @Jokes4EVER! Hello there, we completely understand that you're having trouble pairing your right controller after replacing the thumbstick. And we know how this could be affecting your VR experience. We'll be happy to assist you and get this resolved. Please assist us by answering the questions below so that we can better understand.


  • When does this issue occur?
  • Does it happen only in certain games?
  • What troubleshooting steps have you already tried?
  • Can you see any lights on your controller(s) that are on (blinking or solid)?
If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hello Quest support, I am having similar issues when the the right controller flashing three times. I have done a factory reset from the Oculus device and now will not go past the initial controller setup screen as the right controller still not connecting ( batteries changed). The left controller connects ok and my phone connects to the Oculus code. I am now stuck with now no working quest 2 being stuck at a startup menu where it asks to pair controllers. As the right one is not responding apart from three flashing lights I can’t go any further into the initial setup…..please help!!

Hey @Quadsgo. We understand how troubling it can be to have your controller not pair to your headset. We appreciate you trying all of those troubleshooting steps to fix this issue. Since none of those seemed to do the trick, we'll like for you to follow this workflow to create a ticket on our support website


Meta Quest 2 > Right controller > Charging, Tracking & Pairing > Controller doesn't pair > This does not solve my issue


Once you do that you'll have the chance to speak to one of our wonderful agents through a email, a live a chat, a chat via WhatsApp or a scheduled phone call. The agent you get connected with will be more than happy to look into what other options we have for you. 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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