05:38 PM
- last edited on
11:10 AM
I purchased this game from the Meta Store, installed it, but it doesn’t start. On launching, it displays an error message, and I’m unable to start the game. Any solutions?
04-01-2024 01:01 PM
Hello there @willwallace79! We understand that having trouble launching a game you've recently purchased can be a setback. Not to worry, though! We're here to lend a hand and get things sorted out for you, so you can jump into your gaming adventure smoothly. Could you please let us know the error message you're encountering when trying to launch the game? Are you launching the game from the headset or from a computer? These questions will give us a good starting point. We look forward to your reply!
04-02-2024 01:21 PM
Hey again! Did you manage to get Robinson The Journey to launch successfully? We just wanted to check in and see if there's anything else we can assist you with. Feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance—we're more than happy to help out.
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