12-01-2024 04:14 PM
I used to play Roblox VR all the time, but all of the sudden after a month or 2 VR break it does not launch at all with the following error message: "Unable to contact server, please check your internet connection!" I've restarted my quest and It's internet, I've went to a different house with different internet, and it just still wont work. And it's not anything with the account, because I have been resorting to play it using steam VR, and it works. (I want to use the quest app because it's way less laggy and better.) Please help, I've been scrolling the forums and haven't found anyone with the same problem.
12-01-2024 05:47 PM
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling from the meta store?
12-01-2024 06:17 PM
4 weeks ago
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