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Roblox VR Crashing on Quest Link

I use both Link and Virtual Desktop at different times. When I use the link in Roblox VR it crashes in under 5 minutes. It goes into an odd state where it shows right footage on the moniter, but on the headset it shows only a portion of the actual view. I have learned Virtual Desktop does not work at all, so how do I prevent crashing on the Link?

I think it was my cord. I'll look into it

If you have any ideas please share tho

Did you find a fix? I have the same issue.

Honored Guest

I have the issue too, yet I have not found a fix for it.

Honored Guest

Bro I am having the same **bleep**ing issue and it pisses me off, except I’m doing it wireless, I have a very good internet connection and everything yet it crashes, I don’t know why 

Sorry to hear that, since we don't officially support Roblox VR, we have no way of providing accurate troubleshooting. I'd suggest doing basic troubleshooting like restarting your PC and Router. Have you already tried reaching out to Roblox Support about this issue?

In the time of your life, live - so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it.

P.S., I can beat you at One Piece TCG and Tekken

it WAS working the first time i used VR for roblox, but now it crashes instantly. Any fix yet?

Hey there @gamerboy1211! We thank you for your patience during our busiest time of the year! We were dashing through the snow, when we saw your post, and wanted to get in touch with you on this.  This is definitely not the experience we want for our users, and want to ensure we get this resolved together as quickly as possible! We do have a few questions, for clarification, so that we may provide the best assistance for you:

  • When was the last time you were able to use this successfully? 
  • Has the headset ever been accidentally dropped?
  • Is this happening just on Roblox or on other apps/games as well?
  • Is your app and headset fully updated?
  • Are you receiving any error messages, if so, what do they say?

We eagerly await your response, and working on this together towards a resolution! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey hey! We were just passing by and thought we would check in to see how everything was going for you. We want to make sure you get the assistance you need, and to let you know that we are still here for you if you need us! If you are still experiencing problems regarding your Roblox experience, please feel free to let us know by responding to the previous post. We hope you have had a wonderful and safe new year! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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