06-28-2023 02:15 AM
So recently, I have been playing Beat Saber pretty casually. I then recently figured out that I can run both Roblox Vr and Beat Saber at the same time without any issues. And just recently it broke…
Let me explain the process I took before it stopped working. I launched SteamVR like normal, waited for the SteamVR Home to pop up. Launched Beat Saber from there. Played one or two songs. Then launched RobloxVR to run on OpenXR through Oculus, not SteamVR. Moved around a bit before hitting the oculus button and switching back to Beat Saber where both games tracked my head and controller positions just fine.
Just recently, this has stopped working. Now it’s either or, it’s not both can run with the same head and controller positions. So now all that happens is that Roblox Vr is kinda pauses and only keeps track of head movement and the hands stay still while Beat Saber is being played. I don’t know if it was a Roblox or Oculus software update that did this but it was really fun and I could show off to other players in Roblox who were complete strangers to me.
If anyone can help this issue, then that would be amazing… and before you suggest switching the services around so that Beat Saber runs on Oculus and Roblox runs on OpenXR through SteamVR, it doesn’t work. There are no official controller bindings for Roblox through SteamVR unless you have an Index or HTC Vive… and this does include making your own controller bindings… it’s just clunky and doesn’t work that well. I have also tried running both on just Oculus, it ran, but the same issue persisted.
Once again, any help would be great. I honestly miss when it just worked…
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