01-09-2022 05:47 AM - edited 01-09-2022 05:48 AM
I just bought Robo Recall from the Oculus Store, I am trying to play but it crashes every time. The game does load, I can get in the menu but when I get into the game, maybe 5 seconds in after loading, it crashes.
These are my system specs and what I did to try to fix this
Intel i9 12900k
32gb DDR5 @ 6000mhz
WD Black S850 1tb m.2 drive
GeForce RTX 3080 with latest drivers
Windows 10 pro all up top date
NO anti virus software installed
Steps I took to try to solve this by myself:
- Opened Resource monitor to see if I had enough memory: all good
- In game changed the graphics settings to minimum ( no anti aliasing, nothing )
- Uninstalled the game and reinstalling it
- Uninstalled the game and reinstalling it on another SSD drive
- Uninstalled the Oculus software and reinstalling it
- Did a pass with CCleaner just to be sure
After all of that, the game still won't work.
Thanks for your help
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-09-2022 08:08 AM - edited 01-09-2022 08:08 AM
I actually found a fix, you guys should look in to this, it worked like a charm. I hope this fix will be added fast, allot of users are having problems. This fixed all of my games and also I could not get into my Home Oculus ...And it fixed that also.
This is how it's done:
Right click on "My computer" then properties
Then right hand side "advanced system settings"
On the Advanced tab choose Environment Variables
In THE SECOND window click NEW
Enter name
Enter value
Then click OK
1 last important step
01-09-2022 07:40 AM - last edited on 02-23-2023 11:23 AM by TinyAngryPanda
Hello Madspecv,
We're so sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues while attempting to install your new title.
We thank you for providing your PC's step up specs, it appears this issue may need some more in depth troubleshooting.
At your earliest convenience, we invite you to submit a support ticket
One of our agents will be more than happy to assist you, and even gather your PC's logs to pinpoint where the issue may be occurring.
We look forward to hearing from you! - https://ocul.us/ContactSupport
Thank you,
01-09-2022 08:08 AM - edited 01-09-2022 08:08 AM
I actually found a fix, you guys should look in to this, it worked like a charm. I hope this fix will be added fast, allot of users are having problems. This fixed all of my games and also I could not get into my Home Oculus ...And it fixed that also.
This is how it's done:
Right click on "My computer" then properties
Then right hand side "advanced system settings"
On the Advanced tab choose Environment Variables
In THE SECOND window click NEW
Enter name
Enter value
Then click OK
1 last important step
03-05-2022 02:42 PM
This worked!
I did change my graphics driver, thunderboldt driver and did this at the same time but I honestly think this was the fix on my new laptop! Thanks so much!
RoboRecall looks amazing on the Quest 2!
Before it would crash 30-90 seconds in connected with the official Quest 2 link cable.
07-03-2022 11:34 AM
Brill, couldn't believe it, trying the demo has been a nightmare.. It's been like banging my head against a brick wall over the last 36 hours. On my MSI GS66 loaded with a 6GB RTX3060 all I was getting when the game started, even with the lowest specs was, as the TV reporter at the shop windows was reporting a fault is was game over and the laptop would jump out back to my oculus library.
After doing what you said, all is great, I've only tried it on medium settings, but even that is brill.
Thanks for the fix, I owe you many hours of no more banging my head against the wall but pure enjoyment.
Keep up the good work.
Don't Look back.
09-13-2022 11:30 AM - edited 09-13-2022 11:33 AM
Thanks, it worked for me, i upgraded my PC gpu/cpu/mother/ram/psu and reinstalled Windows and all software. I had exacltly the same problem with my oculus Home and many games as roborecall crashing with link and airlink after a few seconds. Thank You. May I ask, how did you get with that solution?
09-13-2022 11:46 AM
To be honest, I Googled it.
12-18-2022 02:01 AM
Thanks for this solution! It enabled me to run Robo Recall as well as others I was having issues with Super Hot (crash after 30-60 seconds), Dead & Buried (would not run at all). Beat Sabre seemed to be fine however. Thanks again!
02-19-2023 01:02 AM
@Madspecv wrote:Hi,
I actually found a fix, you guys should look in to this, it worked like a charm. I hope this fix will be added fast, allot of users are having problems. This fixed all of my games and also I could not get into my Home Oculus ...And it fixed that also.
This is how it's done:
Right click on "My computer" then properties
Then right hand side "advanced system settings"
On the Advanced tab choose Environment Variables
In THE SECOND window click NEW
Enter name
Enter value
Then click OK
1 last important step
Thanks for the bug fix. This also worked well with my new 13th gen Intel i9 13900k cpu. It looks like some Ureal Engines 4 games need to have some code updated. Probably isn't going to happen with a 2016 title like Robo Recall.
05-24-2023 08:09 AM
@Madspecv wrote:
I actually found a fix, you guys should look in to this, it worked like a charm. I hope this fix will be added fast, allot of users are having problems. This fixed all of my games and also I could not get into my Home Oculus ...And it fixed that also.
This is how it's done:
Right click on "My computer" then properties
Then right hand side "advanced system settings"
On the Advanced tab choose Environment Variables
In THE SECOND window click NEW
Enter name
Enter value
Then click OK
1 last important step
As much as I like that this workaround/fix works, I don't know if this is actually affecting my overall performance.
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