12-21-2023 08:28 AM
Soz for being a bit noob at this I want to map out my room to make it perfect for First Encounters.
I have an alcove / bay window that you can walk in and the room setup usually doesn't detect it. What it does is put a wall infront of it which means over three quarters of this wall is space. (This presumably affects the MR content as it thinks there's a wall were there is none?) I can see why because there's about 20cm of wall at the top, which presumably makes the setup think the wall is there
Once, when I completed the setup I notice that the wall it had generated was broken, and I could add more walls this allowed me map out the bay alcove.
Is there a way to 'break' the walls? Or to map out the walls manually?
Thanks in advance
12-21-2023 03:46 PM
Hi there @andysonofbob! We understand you are having issues with mixed reality detecting a wall instead of your bay window. We'd love to provide you with information regarding the mixed reality feature on the Quest 3. At this time, this feature is not customizable, but you can submit your suggestion to the community forums using this link and clicking "ideas of the month"! For more information regarding mixed reality, check out this link!
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