01-17-2025 08:09 AM
i'd like to know if meta quest software and link is compatible with the new ryzen igpu 890M.
Thank you
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01-18-2025 07:22 AM
@d_a_n_i_e_l_e unfortunately the meta link software does not support the 890M igpu, but you may be able to get it running with the SteamLink or Virtual Desktop apps to connect your laptop to the PC wirelessly via a router.
01-18-2025 07:22 AM
@d_a_n_i_e_l_e unfortunately the meta link software does not support the 890M igpu, but you may be able to get it running with the SteamLink or Virtual Desktop apps to connect your laptop to the PC wirelessly via a router.
01-18-2025 07:32 AM
@d_a_n_i_e_l_e also the 890M is not going to give you a very good experience in VR which uses a lot of GPU resources. You may have to dial the settings down in games to get a playable experience.
01-19-2025 08:55 AM - edited 01-19-2025 08:55 AM
Hi, the Meta Quest software and Link should work fine with the Ryzen 890M iGPU, but erome performance might depend on driver updates and settings.
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