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SOLVED - How to play my own 360 video in my Rift?

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Assuming we've properly filmed, stitched and encoded a 360 2D or 3D video for Oculus Rift. Now I have a big video file. How do I view this in my Oculus Rift? How to play my own 360 video in my Rift?

- Large desktop, Intel i7-5930K
- Windows 10 (64)

- Nvidia GeForce GTX 980
- Driver version 364.51

Oculus Rift:
- Engineering Sample O8R2
- PC SDK Release 1.2

Honored Guest
Just guessing here.... I put one of my 360 photos in the Oculus directory in my SDCARD folder. I then could find it and view it... It was really bad... like being in a fun house... but that worked.  Maybe if you put your video there you can view it also.

Not applicable
For Gear VR & Android - I know how to do it. Similarly to what you described, it seems to be detected by the app if put under /Oculus/360videos -- However, I'm looking of something similar for Oculus Rift & Windows 10.

Not applicable
use this free 360 player, it can tell what type of method was used to make the video and will play it accordingly

be aware however that it is rather heavy on system resources

Not applicable
Tried. It works on my main display, not on the rift (unless I don't know how).

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Well, today Oculus launched the new app store that includes an "Oculus Video" app for the Oculus Rift. It does recognize files under my "Videos" folder on the pc, but displays them *within* the theater rather than in 360... Looks like I have to either put them somewhere specific or name them according to some convention (or both),

Rising Star
Order/buy Virtual Desktop and then just drag and drop. Simplez 😄

Not applicable
Solved - A few things had to happen for this to work:

1. Oculus launched today the new 'Oculus Video' app, which needs to be installed.
2. The mp4 files had to be placed in the 'Videos' folder.
3. The mp4 files had to be renamed *_360_TB.mp4 (TB for Top/Bottom 3D layout).
4. Only certain video parameters worked. Specifically, AVC (h.264) worked while HEVC (h.265) didn't.

As for issue #4 I wonder why, because the common Windows Media Player does play both versions.
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