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Samsung Gear VR


Looked at a bunch of other posts and cant solve this issue. My headset was working fine until today where i was forced to get a using a meta account. Since then all i get is a "Facebook Session Expired" error. I've uninstalled Facebook and Oculus apps and reinstalled, no change. I created a new FB account and Linked it but again when i open the Oculus Gear VR app i get that error, rebooted the device, no change, removed all FB accounts from my device (S9+) and added only the new account, no change. My old Oculus account doesn't work as i get a "No network Connection" error there. WTF is up with Meta forcing users into this crap that is rife with issues. And I cant raise a ticket because there is no support option for Gear VR. And I refuse to buy a $400 headset just on principle...My existing one worked just fine until today.

543 REPLIES 543

first you break gear vrs home menu and make user jump through hoops just to use the thing and the only thing you have say is "oh sorry we don't support it. give us money over and over and keep buying products."

and i've tried to not lose my cool. but now gear vr units are literally being bricked from some update loop.


own up to your mistakes. and fix your **bleep**ty mistakes already...

Thank you for your quick response. I am aware that support has ended and no further updates are expected. However, the software did try to update itself today and since no updates are available it fails. This same it did happen previously, since support ended and was resolved at the time. Any assistance greatly appreciated.  Thanks

This was the issue earlier this year for reference Samsung gear vr update Oculus Media Plugin error

This has also happened to me. Something you have done at Meta has now stopped some of my gear vr phones for education/teaching to now be rendered useless.


So I immediately turned off wifi on my other phones and all the other apps on those phones work perfectly. 


It is only a phones that is connected to wifi that has then connected to your server, that either have free or apps I have actually paid for, now  FAIL ENTITLEMENT CHECKS because Meta has changed the process or turned off something or forced an unauthorized update to phones connected to the internet.


Why have you done this?


I can no longer use Mondly VR, despite that I paid for it, their server still works, my phone still works, but the moment it has internet on and Gear VR opens, Meta's new thing or shutdown server renders all Gear VR apps on the device to stop working.

Honored Guest

Hi. I stopped using my oculus for some time. Now i tried to use it again and I created a new meta account. Whenever I try to set up the oculus app it says to confirm my existing oculus account details. I enter the email and the password but nothing happens.

I am using the samsung gear with a samsung s9 

What can I do?

It isn't that you aren't supporting it, it's that meta broke it.


I have Samsung GearVR SM-R325 that I have been using with my Galaxy S10.


Firstly I got this issue:


Now this:

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-21 at 5.49.22 PM.jpeg

Please help.


I'll also chime in on this. We realize you don't support this anymore but why would you force an update that is impossible to get. Essentially this turns off all the functionality of our old equipment. We don't care if it stays as it is but let it stay as it is. Meta has essentially turn this off for all of us who still might use it.  Please fix this problem


But the problem as described by Chalwa699 still remains. How can it be solved?

7 months have passed by, and you still didn't communicate or fix the problem..

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