01-09-2025 01:18 AM
I’ve been trying to resolve an issue through email support, but I keep getting bounced around. Every time a new representative takes over, they ask the same questions again, like my delivery address for a replacement unit. I provide the information, but then someone else responds and asks for it again.
The issue started after the update around Christmas. My headset is now unusable: it won’t turn on, hangs on the Meta logo during startup, and while sound works, the screen doesn’t display anything. I’ve tried every workaround, including the update workaround, but nothing helps.
I also tried requesting a replacement through your website, but when I enter my serial number, it says my device isn’t affected by the update—even though it clearly is. I only have 17 days left on my warranty.
Can someone from Meta please assist in resolving this issue promptly?
Thank you.
01-09-2025 01:43 AM
Try with a factory reset. Same issue happened to me and that's what I had to do.
The problem now is that my library is greyed out and I cannot acces any game/app from there, must do it from the store tab or the mobile app, still waiting for a solution.
01-09-2025 02:03 AM
Thank you for your suggestion, but i tried factory reset trough the app but that didnt help at all. 😞
01-09-2025 02:44 AM
Try to insert the serial number from the headset. You find it on the left side, when you remove the cover from the elastic band. The serial number that you provided first is a general one for the entire device.
The same happened to me. I tries also a factory reset, but now nothing works, either the LED during charging.
01-09-2025 03:07 AM
Ive tried both, same message.
Any luck with support? They told me they where gonna replace my headset but after i comfirmed my shipping details etc they just started the communication all over again asking for shipping adress.
01-09-2025 03:26 AM
so far, no answer too. I posted also a new conversation here
01-09-2025 04:02 AM
are you able here (https://www.meta.com/help/product-claim/quest-2/) to change the country dropdown menu in the delivery address section for the replacement? You need first to insert the serial number of the headset (not the sn of the device ;))
01-09-2025 04:13 AM
@Goldy0shi @Tearees @Oxid2178 there's a borkdate mega thread at the link below. Add your voice to it.
Solved: NOT SOLVED - Unacceptable Response to Software Upd... - Meta Community Forums - 1273736
01-09-2025 06:42 AM
Nope, it only says Sweden, and im in Norway. So i cant even send the form for the replacement.
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