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Screen is black when using passthrough

Honored Guest

I got my Meta Quest 3 delivered yesterday. Went through the setup, it had a full black background, I thought that was fine as I could see the menus. When I get through the setup process I try to turn on passthrough and it's all black. After I set my boundary I then start to get an error message popup for 3 seconds saying tracking lost then it would clear. This caused menus to jump around. 


Not sure if the issues are related or not. I have the headset booked to be sent back tomorrow for a replacement but wanted to post this to see if there was any solutions I hadn't found.


I tried restarting, factory reset several times, Turning passthrough off and back on, clearing the boundaries and re-doing the boundaries. When trying to create the boundary its all guess work since it's a black screen.


Honored Guest

Same for me. please help!

I returned my full headset to get a replacement. I believe it may have been a faulty camera but I can't be sure of it

Thanks for that, it works when I play mixed reality games , but dies not work when I want to see my environment while Im in settings screen or so.

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