01-24-2022 05:05 AM
Hi all, issue is as stated above in the title.
I noticed that the light on the headset will be white up until the senor check to which it will turn orange. However immediately once the 'senor check failed' message appears, the light will turn back to white. i repeated this a few times to make sure, and indeed it does that every time.
I have tried (and checked) the following few days things
- restarted pc
- allowed oculus in firewall (and blocked on firewall on independent occasions)
- unplugged and plugged headset (usb first, replugging, both together, all variations)
- remove device and attempting to set up device
- made sure gpu driver is updated
- made sure windows is updated
- made sure oculus app is updated (also reinstalled)
- made sure im using a usb 3.0 port (and tried other ports)
- allowed cameras in windows settings
any help is appreciated; ways to check software wise and hardware wise to pinpoint the issue or just the fix without finding the issue is fine as well
01-24-2022 09:14 AM
Hey there, Trollerporco! We're sorry to hear you are having issues with your device's sensors. We know how frustrating this can be, so we want to help!
Thank you for providing what troubleshooting steps you have taken. This will help us help you get to a solution faster! Please reach out to us by submitting a support ticket, so we can assist you further with these sensor issues.
01-24-2022 10:21 AM
I recently had this problem and in the end I was sent another headset. I will say that once I plugged in this new headset, my computer notified me of a driver that hadn't been updated in 288 days. Which is really weird for me because I run programs every week to make sure that my drivers are up to date. I will have to come back later to upload the picture because I don't have my phone with me right now..
The very first time I plugged the new one up I did get that message again but I also got a message saying that there weren't enough USB Hub resources so I unplugged a couple of things and it seems to be working fine. So just maybe too many resources are being pulled elsewhere or that driver needs to be updated.
01-24-2022 03:32 PM
this is what came up after I plugged in the new headset. Find that driver it’s worth a shot.
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