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Sensor setup 'set your position in VR' phase is useless...

Not applicable
As the title describes setting your position in VR is an absolute Nightmare.. 
My head position is showed correctly on the grid below.. as soon as I press the trigger to lock it in, it automatically snaps back to the absolute center of the grid I drew earlier..
It literally undermines the very purpose of that setup stage. Like I want to have my position set up correctly so I don't hit any furniture while having a limited play area... yet the 'smart' software assumes that I'm the moron and instantly snaps it to the middle of the safety grid as soon as I press the trigger as instructed, despite me wanting to put it slightly to the back so I have room for my arms... 

This stage of the sensor setup shouldn't have any automation, basically the position of the headset should be saved as the user position without any sort of adjustments or interference.. 
Please fix this.. 

Not applicable
Correction.. I think it actually does save it and it's just a visual bug that it snaps back to the center...
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