01-06-2025 05:47 PM
I purchased my mom 2 games last April, 2024. She never claimed the games. According to the email after 30 days I was supposed to receive a refund. I never received any refund and noticed it today when the Holiday sale is ending soon.
I have been in chat for nearly 3 hours! Chatted with 3 people. The first person was extremely rude and made false accusations about me, stating I am "looking for free credit". I saved the transcript (I have NEVER received any store credit from Meta support and that can be verified through my account). The 2nd and 3rd person told me I cannot receive a refund for the unclaimed gift. I was sent an email stating it is past the return window.
How can I not get a refund for this? Meta clearly states after 30 days the refund is automatically given back to me if the gift is unclaimed. So my money is just gone? Extremely frustrating and major waste of the little time I have.
I wanted to purchase the same 2 games and send it to my mom and make sure she claims them. Looks like an impossible task.
01-06-2025 06:12 PM
I sent this other forum link to the chat agent:
Proving the policy. Also sent screenshots of the email stating the buyer of the gift is to be refunded after 30 days unclaimed.
"You can redeem this gift until May 28, 2024. If you do not redeem this gift within 30 days, then the gift will be returned and Doppleganger22 will receive a refund."
01-07-2025 04:14 AM
Hi @Doppleganger22 🙂
I understand that you are angry, but maybe it's just a misunderstanding.
You said:
I saved the transcript (I have NEVER received any store credit from Meta support and that can be verified through my account).
You are totally correct about getting a refund when a gift wasn't redeemed within 30 days.
But these refund won't appear as a store credit, the refund will go back to the payment method, that was used to buy the games.
Have you checked your credit card or bank details if any money came back?
Sometimes you just overlook it....
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