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Serious Sam The last hope needs suddenly Login credentials?!

Honored Guest
Hello guys!
As my question altready says, I suddenly cannot play serious sam TLH any more. Before it starts I get asked for my login and password and I never set any!!! What is this login for and what account is asked here? I don´t have any serious sam account and didn´t need one the other 4 months that I played that game.
Please help me, I love this game and it´s so frustrating.


Not applicable
Serious Sam games have no account.  You sure it's not asking for your Oculus or Steam account(if you bought it from Steam)?

Honored Guest
Hello! I have the same problem. Have you fixed it already?

Honored Guest

Casepb said:

Serious Sam games have no account.  You sure it's not asking for your Oculus or Steam account(if you bought it from Steam)?

Absolutely sure. It has the ingame graphic and sound. The game is already running then i get prompted for user and password.

Honored Guest

ydwer99 said:

Hello! I have the same problem. Have you fixed it already?

Sorry, I didn´t find out anything.

Heroic Explorer
If you have the Steam Version you need to launch it from the Steam client, and not from your Oculus library.
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