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Server Error 500


Since Meta still doesn't know how to help me after many months and my request is always forwarded to the "Specialized Team" but apparently isn't processed there... I'm now turning to someone who dreams about HTML at night and can tell me what the problem is. 🥰

I haven't been able to access the store properly for months. If it still works at all, then I have to reload the page many times. And it has nothing to do with the smartphone or browser because everything works perfectly when I'm not logged in. As soon as I log in with my profile, the store no longer loads.

2025-01-12 20_52_12-Tinyverse on Meta Quest _ Quest VR Games _ Meta Store.png



So, even Meta Support has no ideas?

Ticket #07652363 | thread::OUp092HOIg2VDm-NBAUctGc::

I have repeatedly asked Meta since mid-December 2024 whether my problem has something to do with the fact that I have over 5000 apps/games in my library and unfortunately have not received an answer, only the usual AI-supported copy & paste messages. After several emails, I received confirmation yesterday:
"We have reviewed your account and see that you have over 6,000 applications and games in your library. This is causing the Error 500 when trying to make a purchase, as it takes too long to load the library. I understand how inconvenient this must be, and I'm truly sorry for the ongoing difficulties you've encountered.
Due to the nature of the issue, we have limited visibility over it and have no further workaround. You will need to continue making multiple attempts to load the library. Additionally, please submit a bug report about the issue."
Unfortunately, Meta is not able to delete all free apps/games, because - for some incomprehensible reason - no developer wants to take on the problem, someone who does not have "limited visibility". The alternative mentioned is "app sharing" via a new, second account as a workaround. But with the new account an "app sharing" i just see 122 random apps/games. Now what?
I can't imagine that I'm the only person who has so many apps/games in his/her library. What is the limit of games that you can add to your library? I couldn't find anything about it on the meta websites.


Hi @stefan.flegel 🙂

I recently got the option to remove apps from the library.

It's not in the filter options, but in the burger menu of each game.

Any chance that you have this option too without noticing it?

Do you mean the option that allows me to hide apps? Yes, I am aware of that. But unfortunately that doesn't help me because my library is "too full" and hiding apps doesn't make any difference. I would be happy if I could actually delete apps from the library instead of just hiding them. I am on v74 Build 5070966.12070.510

Not "hide"....that's one of the filter options and I understand this won't help you.

I have the option "remove".... if i tap on an app to uninstall, I get a pop up asking "uninstall"

 or "uninstall and remove".

If the app is already uninstalled it just says "remove" if i tap on the three points in the app.

It will disappear from your library😁...... I'm still on v72.



I hope, you'll get this soon, so you can clean up your library🙂



@stefan.flegel  maybe you should try this!

@Origami4gamin_TTV  said, he got the feature back after disabling the developer mode.

PTC v74 Release Thread - Page 3 - Meta Community Forums - 1288416  

Great News, thank you so much for this Information! Sadly I do not see this option yet. Turned off Developer Option in the app and rebooted the headset.

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