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Server down - for how long? Why haven't we been told?

Honored Guest

Getting the same can't connect error trying to install the app. I understand it is Oculus server issue but I also see people were posting yesterday with the same issue. 

Oculus we understand these issues happen but why are you not informing your customers of the issue and giving a time frame for rectification? This is very bad management and customer service. Know wonder you are falling behind in the VR market with non-transparent practices like this



I get theses a pandemic but as someone suffering from the same issue I agree even a simple pinned thread or acknowledgement of the issue would prevent customers from wasting time trying to fix an issue thats outside of thier control. 

Honored Guest

Absolutely agree. I wasted hours yesterday finding potential solutions online, clearing caches and doing workarounds with no luck assuming it was me. 
only accidentally did I stumble across more and more posts noting the same problem.

oculus customer support should ABSOLUTELY posted a pinned message so that all users would know the servers are down.

this stuff happens, but communication and managing expectations to customers is critical.

oculus did nothing to let the customers know what was happening.

very poor….not impressed so far as a new buyer/user.

Honored Guest

Yeah I spent hours today trying to set up first time, only to come across this forum, Some kind of announcement would of been reallllyyy helpful in me not wasting 3 hours of my life.

Honored Guest

I reinstalled windows thinking it was me, could have used that official announcement to save me the hassle!

Unlucky bro.

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