12-01-2024 09:03 AM
I have purchased two meta quest 3 vr headsets for my daughters for Christmas, I want to set them up before Christmas day. My daughters are aged 10 and 13 therfore I want to keep them safe and not setup Facebook accounts! What's the best way to set them up for my kids, they have a headset each. Can I set both headsets under my account and both kids have a user? Also if I buy a game for them, do I have to pay twice or can it be shared and played at the same time. I have paid a lot of money
12-01-2024 11:15 AM - edited 12-01-2024 11:19 AM
The 10 year old will need to be set up as a child account.
Both headsets can have a secondary account that would piggy bank off your main admin account.
May be a tad complicated but I would create your meta account.
Log in and set up your account on both headsets then create one secondary account for the 13 year old.
Enable app sharing and add the 13 year old’s account to the first Quest 3.
Next, create a child account through the horizon app and add that account to the second Quest 3.
i highly advise creating a Facebook and instagram account and then adding 2 factor authentication via google authenticator for all 9 accounts(Facebook, meta, and instagram for yourself and your daughters). There has been quite a bit of hacking going on involving pairing random Facebook or instagram accounts to a meta account. But that’s up to you. Just have them created as dummy accounts that only you can get into.
If all are set up correctly then the main admin account’s purchased games can be shared/will populate in both secondary accounts.
i also highly recommend using a referral code as you can get a $35(70 if the Black Friday bonus is still active) voucher for purchasing games. This referral link must be activated prior to setting up your main admin meta account.
if inclined, I’d be happy to send my own.
Ask any follow questions here. I’m sure many would be happy to assist further.
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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