05-21-2024 02:38 PM
Two days ago my son made 11 payments amounting to over 400euro for shiny rocks on the game gorilla tag the only way I realized is I received a suspicious alert from my bank, thank god because I cancelled the card immediately or my account may have been emptied completely.
I have contacted Meta support email and they are claiming that in app purchases cannot be refunded.
I would really like someone from Meta to step in and help deal with the support side of this, feels really unfair, there are no phone numbers to ring, it is all bots that are replying in chat forums.
it’s disgraceful practice and claiming in app purchases don’t qualify for refund is just criminal activity, I trusted Meta with my bank account details and they have completely ripped me off, if I don’t get a refund I will be selling the headset and trying to take to social media to warn as many parents as I can.
Game developers should be ashamed of themselves..
05-28-2024 10:08 AM
Sorry, but I have to side with the soulless corporation for this one. Digital currency is impossible to refund, because if your son spent any of those shiny rocks, it's gone and can't be refunded. The developers just aren't able to "take away" the shiny rocks, since Meta handles the refunds, not the developers. Don't blame the company for this. You didn't trust Meta with your money, you trusted your son with your money. I do agree that it would be better to be able to speak with actual people, but it's not the game developer's fault that you saved your details on the headset without putting any parental lock on them.
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