08-18-2023 07:25 PM
Well I order a right hand quest 2 controller but it say it doesn't ship to new mexico is that true
08-22-2023 09:43 AM
Hey there @Julian.thomas.94651! We know how much new controller can improve your VR experience, and we will do everything we can to help you complete your order. Due to the nature of the product, we have certain limitations on where the items can be shipped to ensure a safe delivery.
Since you're shipping it to the United States, it does qualify as a supported country, but please review the article here to see if any of these situations could be causing the issue. Please let us know if you're needing further help determining the shipping error!
08-23-2023 10:18 AM
Hey again @Julian.thomas.94651. We're following up to see if you were able to complete your order. Please let us know if you still need assistance!
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