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Shmackle big con and scam do not buy ingame content

Honored Guest

Purchased shmackle pack 2 for in game currency, brought the mini gun. Used it once  left the game, when I re entered it was gone. Not in my drip profile. No where does it say its a once use and done. I thought the item was to keep. This is a big scam unable to get a refund due to meta policy. Its looking like the whole meta system is a scam with no comeback for refunds of ingame content.


Honored Guest

We just had a similar situation.  My son purchased some coins or whatever.  There was no confirmation screen of purchase and something would pop up and apparently disappear right away. So he kept clicking it to the sum of 140 ish dollars now.  Trying to get answer with meta on this issue.  Will see how it works out.

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