Tuesday - last edited Wednesday
I am having trouble getting past level 1 in Shopenkraft's Magic Goods. During the third order, it seems that there is no cork stopper for the magic potion that I made for a customer. I think that this is a bug in the game. Can anyone fix it or tell me how to get the cork stopper for the first level?
I looked everywhere for the cork stopper in the game. I pulled the lever on the right side that I think is supposed to reset the location of the tools. Nothing seems to work. 🍾
I'd like to know if this forum will help with a bug in the game. I haven't found another forum or other website that can help me. Thx.
Solved! Go to Solution.
I may have found the answer now. It seems that when you pull on the cork stoppers all of the way, you get to keep them. That's how it's done. Just pull out two cork stoppers at the beginning and there you have more for the third order. So how about that? I solved it. 🍾
Hi @Canaryaem16 🙂
you can try if uninstalling and reinstalling can fix your issue.
Sometimes uninstall/reinstall can help when facing a bug.
You can also reach out to the devs of the game.
Maybe they are already aware of the bug and working on a fix............ or if it isn't a bug, they can tell you, where to find the cork stopper.😉
I may have found the answer now. It seems that when you pull on the cork stoppers all of the way, you get to keep them. That's how it's done. Just pull out two cork stoppers at the beginning and there you have more for the third order. So how about that? I solved it. 🍾
So it's not a bug😁
Have fun.
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