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So I must use the mobile app to sync the new Quest 3s (no PC option)?

Honored Guest

Hi, new to this thing, never owned one except for the Sony PS4 VR.    I am now stuck on the "connect to Horizon app to continue" screen on my VR.   Here is the pickle, my phone doesn't support the app as Android Play told me.  It shows up on my wife's phone for download and install but I don't wanna bother with her phone yet.  So there is NO PC option?  I downloaded and install the Meta Quest Link app on PC and it has a pair Headset with Mobile3S. I did that and with USB3 and see the green check but my VR screen still stuck with the "connect to Horizon app to continue" screen.  I even did a factory reset twice and repeated the same thing twice.  The connect to Horizon screen still there so I assume the Quest Link PC app does nothing to the setup.  Can someone confirm me that I have to use the mobile app on phone with no other option?   And if it is done with the mobile phone app do I have to rely on that phone in the future?   (that is why I didn't wanna use my wife's phone yet) 


Expert Consultant

Phone is by far the simplest method (I believe it is -or was- possible using the Oculus Developer Hub too, but I've never gone that way) and once setup you need never go near the phone app again if you don't want to.

Rising Star

The meta quest developer hub app will work but the initial connection will lack some quality of life features.

its an option that will work when there are no other available options. But if you can pair with a phone, you really should.

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.


At least it doesn't need the phone around once it's set up. For most people it can be a one off event, you only need the phone after setup to pair new controllers or turn developer mode on/off. Everything else can be done in the headset or the web.

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3

Honored Guest

I have been fighting this issue for three days now. I have three devices, two android and one IOS, the app never opens and message “Something went wrong” is displayed with “You can try again”. It displays a circle on dark screen or just goes blank. With a link cable, I am connected on my PC and my device serial number shows up. No help from on-line chat with Meta, always blaming my devices. It is crazy to rely on an unstable app to get a $300 device to work for the first time. Ridiculous is not even the right word! Reinstalled app, factory reset, tried different Wi-Fi numerous times! Still waiting, trying.


There's no reason for the app to be required, Pico make similar headsets and they have the setup app on the headset.

But the Quest 3S is the 6th Meta headset to need that app, we've been complaining since 2018 but I don't see them stopping any time soon.

Imagine if you needed a mobile phone to pair new Joycons with a Switch. Or connect a mouse to your PC (well, I shouldn't say that too loudly, Razor might get ideas)

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3


There was an option to set up the headset with a PC connection and a developer account only.                                 But the nice people at meta stopped that option a few days ago with revised procedures.

Set Up Your Device | Meta Horizon OS Developers

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Same here!!! I cannot go past the Something went wrong… bs.
i tried contacting meta via Meta store support and i got to have email discussion with them.

All i got was just wait…




@kf.3297  @downted62 @ahnmoist  the old instructions for the developer hub may be still working -              

Set Up Headset with MQDH | Meta Horizon OS Developers

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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