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So disrespected and extremely disappointed

Honored Guest


  • Screenshot_2025-01-06-13-37-31-415.jpg











So I bought a quest 3 for my son for Christmas and let me say this now he is 7 going to be 8 this February anyway my system of course ends up missing the batman game my son was very upset so me being dad I'm going to fix this so what I thought  should of been really fast but oh no not from Meta support I contacted them and they have the nerve to tell me it didn't come with it because he was 7 what the hell does that have to do with anything if it stated that every quest 3 comes with batman then it should of came with it no matter the age lol and the funny thing is they didn't no he was 7 until I wrote them because both quest we have 2 and 3 are in my name so nice try and if I let him play that's my business so right there in first reply from Meta he said I'm going to give it to you on your account because you are old enough just send this info so i did cool problem solved NOPE I checked later no game so many lies and emails later still no batman sad son really really pissed Daddy and the last email/lie said I can't get because the promotion ended lol but still right now they are offering batman with system please help and of course no supervisor or phone number 


Honored Guest

If I don't get the help I should get back and don't get what I'm owed because of a promotion you guys ran and didn't give me mine its my fault nope I will return the 3 and sell my 2 and be done with your company for good 


Hey, I'm new here, so I don't know if I'll be much help. I've never had this issue. I would suggest possibly going to the store/shop app on Quest 3, searching up the game, and seeing if it has a redeem button instead of buy. If so, it shouldn't charge you, and you should be able to get the game. If this doesn't work, I would either Factory Reset the Quest 3 or keep trying with Meta Support. Hope this helps!

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