08:04 AM
- last edited on
08:13 AM
I purchased the Meta Quest 3 about two weeks ago and everything was fine. Today, when I open the Meta Horizon App and click the Home icon it is giving me the following error message "Something went wrong". I have an iphone 15 pro. I have done the following based on what I found online and here in the community. I continue to get the error message even after trying all these things.
1. Offloaded App.
2. Deleted and reinstalled App.
3. Restarted Phone
4. Confirmed Bluetooth is on and on same wireless network.
5. Log into auth.meta.com (I was able to log in).
I decided to create a completely new account with a different email and it worked and MQ3 paired with no issue. I would just continue with this route but I lose my 3 months of free Meta+ subscription. I also lose access to the games I have already purchased. Is there a way for Meta to transfer my library and free Meta+ subscription to this new account?
I am so frustrated and tempted to return the Meta Quest 3 to Meta.
Thank you in advance,
10-19-2024 08:20 AM
Hello Jamie!
We would love to check this out with you to see how we can help you get back into your old account. In order to do this we will need some personal information so we would like to continue this conversation via a private message. Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here. From there, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message. We're eager to hear from you!
10-19-2024 08:44 AM
I sent you a private message, anxiously awaiting response.
10-19-2024 08:45 AM
Hi there!
We have seen your private message and we will continue our conversation there!
10-19-2024 11:46 PM
Hi I am certainly having this same issue and nothing is fixing it
10-19-2024 11:51 PM
10-19-2024 11:55 PM
Hey there @Tman1997
Thanks for sharing and bringing this to our attention.
We can understand that not having full use of the app can be frustrating but we are eager to help!
Could we just ask that you try these following steps:
Once these steps are completed try again to login using the app.
Please keep us updated and let us know the outcome.
If this is unsuccessful or you would like further support, we would love to chat to you directly!
Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here: https://metaque.st/CommunitySupport. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
10-21-2024 10:19 AM
I have the same issue. This isnt an isolated issue. Something is going on.
10-21-2024 12:16 PM
I’ve had my quest 2 for a year or two, and I’m now experiencing issues with the app as well. None of the steps listed have helped me
10-21-2024 12:19 PM
Hey everyone!
I can see that this issue of being unable to open the Meta Horizon app is affecting a lot you here, even after having done troubleshooting on it. What I'll do for now is to collect some information from anyone still encountering this issue.
I'd like to ask the following:
Once I have enough replies with these information I can forward this to our engineers who can look into this issue. Thank you! 🐢
"How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?"
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