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Steam VR stuttering headset when I play games

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When im playing a game (On steamVR) the game stutters and its struggling to keep loading. I was playing Onward VR and when i get into a firefight, my game starts lagging and the SteamVR loading screen starts popping up every half a second, going back and forth between the game and the SteamVR loading screen. The game is struggling to stay consistent and running when i get in a situation. I turned off all prejection options and im running in SteamVR Beta, becuase SteamVR beta is pretty optimal for oculus. What can i do? Is my PC not strong enough to handle the action? Oculus runs perfect on Oculus Games (Superhot, Robo recall) but maybe high end ones are too much to handle.

Amd radeon Rx 480
AMD FX 4350 Unlocked Quad Core Processor 4.2Ghz
(Will specify more specs if needed)


Could it be that your Steam client is possibly downloading content from the Steam CDN  while you are playing leading to in game stuttering.

I ask because this was apparently a thing when gaming from the Oculus store so they prevented the client from downloading while playing.

Also your specs say you only have 8GB of ram this wont be helping.
If you are using a spindle HDD then maybe a SSD could help I use seperate ones for OS and games and I dont see any stuttering when playing SteamVR.

I have seen games launched from the Steam client loose focus on launch this makes them run bad nasty stuttering and such have you made sure that the game you are talking about has not lost focus.

Are you keeping track of your system temps does this Onward VR game make your CPU hot enough to thermal throttle it self.

These are the only suggestions I can think of based on the information provided and my own experiences. 

Oculus CV1 room scale with 3 tracker's
i7 4790K @ 4.4Ghz with delid and Liquid metal ultra +Corsair H110i / MSI GTX1080Ti Sea Hawk / 32GB DDR3 @2400Mhz
(All rads running EK Furious Vardar F4 / F5 fans)
Sandisk Extreme for OS and Kingston SSD Now for games
Steam =
TS3 server =
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