4 weeks ago
I have a problem with fps and quality on connecting my Meta Quest to Steam Link since it updated on its own to version V72.
I have no idea what to do, I was playing today and everythink was fine till update.
I tried to restart wi-fi, reinstalling Steam Link, I checked updates and i have the newest update, there is also no available updates on Steam Link at this moment.
4 weeks ago
does it stutter and lag? if yes were on the same boat. meta doesnt have any fix. im already in touch with their support and so far still couldnt fix this. I have quest 2 using cable after the auto update v72. its been 2 months that i cant play PCVR because of this. I purchased games that i couldnt play or finished yet because of their stupid update! meta do answer problems but they dont know their crap and how to fix their own product! I already lost my patience on this.
4 weeks ago
Yea, samehere and i could not stop update becouse it happend when i wanted to turn quest 2 off.
So we have to wait till they will give us putch note
4 weeks ago
yeah I waited for 2 months now. that update was last dec 9 I think and Im in Japan. I used to have a perfect experience from that old update then this v72 came and effed it all up! Im trying to make a content for my VR experience and now everything is on hault. I was planning to buy quest 3 last month and after what this update did to my quest 2. i stopped. even my friends I told them to stay away for now on buying quest vr headset for its not stable. I have a small follow and subs in YT. Im on the verge of ranting there but still Im waiting patiently for a fix!!
4 weeks ago
I wonder why this is taking them so long its important case to fix bugs like this,
And also i wonder if there is posibility to go back in updated to previous version for example by hard reseting device
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
OO yours does not look so bad on video as in my case haha i have like 15/20fps in the main room where you pick game to play and i have like 240p/360p quality
I could count pixels xD
4 weeks ago
were lucky coz we still can access our headsets... there are many meta quest 2 and 3,3s owneres bricked their headset because of the last update (v72) Im surprise this didnt go viral on the internet. and this happened during holiday seasons!!! incompetence thats the only reason I can think of.
4 weeks ago
dude its connected by cable on PC with RTX 4070, the card is decent enough not to have lag and stutters. my RTX 2060 super used to have a better FPS than this without lag or stutters. its unplayable.
I am currently dealing with the same issue right now but on an even worse level it seems have you guys gotten a fix?
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