03-13-2020 12:57 AM
03-14-2020 01:29 PM
04-02-2020 08:54 PM
ShocksVR said:
was NOT like this at launch so any claims about this being because of
the inverse kinematics are simply
WRONG. I submitted a report once months ago but nothing has been done
since. I'm using the original Oculus Rift with three trackers, I don't
know if it's like this on the S but either way, it used to work
properly, now it doesn't and makes the game so annoying it's unplayable
even though you can technically mind how you move around, rely more on
the analog stick to turn/look around than your head (so what's the point of
360 VR then) etc.Report it to Insomniac games. https://support.insomniac.games/hc/en-us/requests/new
04-15-2022 03:29 PM
I have exactly the same problem as you.. an no solution.
that’s a pity cause seems to be a great game but with such a big issue it bebomes unplayable…:(
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