01-06-2022 12:10 AM
I have some credit on my account and have been waiting for either a sale on Stormland or a discount store voucher that I get sent from time to time ..... however I did a search today and stormlands is not there. googling directly for it finds the store page but it says it is unavailable
is this a temporary issue or has stormland gone the way of mountain goat mountain and other games removed from sale?
01-06-2022 12:47 AM - edited 01-06-2022 12:49 AM
I posted this in games and apps but perhaps it is a support question. Has Stormland been pulled from sale permenantly or is it temporary? it is not coming up In a store search and using a direct link states unavailable.
I hope this is not something to do with Sony buying up the devs and a licence running out. if so a heads up before pulling would have been useful
01-06-2022 07:09 AM - edited 01-06-2022 07:10 AM
You're not alone - Reddit users noticed it too:
It's one of the greatest VR games ever made - I hope there's a good explanation for this!
Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"
01-06-2022 07:21 AM - edited 01-06-2022 07:25 AM
would be nice from someone from oculus to post here about what is going on.
I am still betting on a temporary glitch, but if it has been pulled permemantly that sucks... this is one of the best "AAA" titles on the store imo..... I know titles get pulled sometimes but usually just before they go there is a heavy marketing campaign to let people know as well as a deep discount.... for instance i picked up Outrun and ducktales on steam for a pittance and a bunch of lego games were given away free (on steam once they are pulled you can still play them if they are in your library- tho that said it seems some are unable to even install stormlands even though they purchased it.
Again, my money is on it being temporary but yet again the lack of comms on it sucks and just shows how little oculus really give a toss about PCVR..... this after the oculus back end software install screw up followed by almost the entire pcvr platform being unable to install over most of the xmas period.
Not showing themselves to be reliable custodians of an exclusive software platform at all 😞 (sorry bit fed up over oculus lately)
01-06-2022 07:32 AM
Just checked the latest reviews - I don't see any severe problems or issue that may have convinced Oculus to pull the game. Must be something else...
Even Quest 2 users love the game - and bought it:
Oculus Rift CV1, Valve Index & PSVR2, Asus Strix OC RTX™ 3090, i9-10900K (5.3Ghz), 32GB 3200MHz, 16TB SSD
"Ask not what VR can do for you, but what you can do for VR"
01-06-2022 09:01 AM
Thanks for the flag! I'll check into it with the team and see what's going on.
01-06-2022 09:36 AM
Stormland was made by Insomniac Games, who are owned by Sony.
Sony announces PSVR2.
One day later Stormland disappears from PSVR2 competitor's store.
Although probably just a mistake, but damn that timing. 🙂
01-06-2022 09:54 AM
thanks Ryan and note my angst in my post above is not aimed at you who I think is doing a good job. but this month has been pretty crappy for oculus pcvr users made worse as it covered the holiday period..... pretty shocked we have not had a mass credit award like when we went down a few years ago (for a much shorter time)
01-06-2022 10:07 AM
@bigmike20vt wrote:
this month has been pretty crappy for oculus pcvr users
Even worse when Quest game sales are hyped but Rift game sales are very limited and hidden (no sale category on Rift web store, sale tab in desktop app is broken).
Which is odd when Quest with Link/Airlink is so popular.
01-06-2022 10:12 AM
just had a PM from oculus support , a reply to a PM I sent. it's essentially the same as one from Ryan above but it does say it should be fixed soon which would indicate it is a technical issue and not a deliberate removal from the store (phew!)
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