01-06-2025 08:30 PM
Recently I deactivated my account and logged myself out of all devices. I think I setup 2 factor authentication some time ago but have since then changed both my phone and my country of residence. Now ever since I’ve been trying to reactivate my account I'm not able to sign in to my account anymore. They keep asking for 2FA that I am not able to provide. So I opted for account recovery and confirming identity. I submitted passport once, then a selfie video again but on both occasions I get emails from Facebook I can get back into my account because they have successfully been able to verify my id.
HOWEVER, when I click on the get back into account link, it says link invalid. When I use the temporary password they sent me, I am taken as far as changing passwords but then comes, once again asking for 2FA codes. AGAIN!
I have repeatedly failed to bypass 2FA in the last almost two weeks. I have filled out several forms sending Facebook several emails. They either close my case or never write back. This account is extremely important to me because it’s tied to my livelihood.
I am willing and able to provide whatever documents necessary to prove that I am who I say I am and the rightful owner of that account. Please help me out. It’s become increasingly frustrating at this point.
P.S. I’ve read on other forums forums across Reddit and Quora that some people in a similar situation have been emailed temporary recovery codes to mitigate the problem but that has never been my case and I don’t know what to do.
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