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Stuck on infinite loading screen after new laptop

Honored Guest
So I just got a new laptop with a AMD 6500H and an RTX 3060 from acer. Rather than setting up everything from scratch including downloading all my games again i decided to take the 1tb ssd from my old laptop and use it as my boot drive for this new laptop. (my old laptop had an intel processor and 1060 max q from razer). I've updated and downloaded all the drivers i can think of for the new laptop (gpu, cpu, chipset...) but i suspect i missed an important one.
Now on to the tech problem. When I try and use my quest 2 through oculus link (cable) i am stuck on an infinite loading screen with 3 white dots. I went through multiple google searches to find solutions but none of them work. What i did find was a temporary solution that i hope will help in diagnosing the cause.
I can get my quest to load into the oculus link by going to device manager and disabling my integrated graphics (radeon). This lets it connect to the computer and gives it buttery smooth framerates inside of the link app aswell. the issue is that when I launch beatsaber the framerate is so low that it is headache inducing in seconds. (like 1 fps) so literally unplayable.
I can actually fix this beat saber issue by then closing out of it and the oculus app, re enabling the integrated graphics in device manager and then launching it all again. Then it all runs just fine. But i would like to find a way to solve this issue without jumping through this many hoops every time i boot my computer (The fix may stop after time but i know it doesn't last after a reboot).
I've tried adjusting drivers and changing the gpu that runs the programs in both Nvidia and windows settings as well as entirely reinstalling oculus. I am also running the latest updates on my headset and windows. (i am on windows 10)
This crazy solution I've found is the product of hours upon hours of troubleshooting so any leads would be very much appreciated.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @tybar01! The cavalry has arrived, we understand that there is a lot that needs to be done when purchasing a new PC to work properly, the best option will be to repair the Meta Quest app, we'll leave the troubleshoot steps below and if the frame rates are drastically dropping, we'll leave a great support link here that will come in handy.

The Repair option will, assess the integrity of the current Home installation, and will be adding missing files or upgrade missing Meta Quest files from the Meta Quest database.

To run repair:

  • Assess the integrity of the current Oculus Home installation
  • Add missing files or upgrade missing Oculus Home files from the Oculus database

Let us know if it works.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there! We wanted to check in to see if you require any additional assistance, so please don't hesitate to contact us so we can get you back into the VR world.

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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