01-16-2022 08:05 AM
Hello, I just purchased the game Blade & Sorcery: Nomad and when i start it iam stuck on the loading screen ?
01-16-2022 08:06 AM
Anyone has any clues why or any tips to fix this issue ? Thank you in advance
01-16-2022 10:01 AM
If a game has stalled upon installation, the solution that has been working for other users experiencing this issue has been to perform a factory reset. Please be sure that you have Oculus Cloud Backup enabled before performing the reset.
If you are still noticing this after the reset, let us know by clicking here https://ocul.us/OculusCommunitySupport or on our name to get to our profile page, then click "Send a Message" to privately contact us. Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.
10-23-2024 04:43 PM
my Blade and sorcery loading screen is stuck at 90% as so as I click on blade and sorcery it is just on 90% how do I fix it so I could delete my mods and before 1.0 come to nomad and I don’t have a computer so I need help plz.. and thank you
10-23-2024 04:47 PM
Hey, @AydennG9! Welcome to the forums!
Unfortunately, @MetaQuestSupport aren't able to assist with game-specific issues so you may need to get in touch directly with the developers for support with this.
But - if you think it might be your mods causing issues, you may need to start fresh. Have you tried clearing the app's data in your headset settings?
10-27-2024 10:10 AM
Hey, i had the same issue rn and just fixed it dw, just go to your settings on ur quest, go to storage and scroll to blade and sorcery nomad then click "clear app data", this wont delete your mods or affect your game but it will delete your character save file, you should delete your mods for U12 right now though. Your welcome 🙂
10-27-2024 01:36 PM
thank you
10-27-2024 01:41 PM
I have a quest 2 when you click blade and sorcery: nomad, like as soon as I click it it show me the loading 90% and it stays like this for ever and this is before I even get to show me warpfog Logo so I can’t even delete my mods and I do not have a computer. Plz help me
10-27-2024 03:14 PM
Hey, @AydennG9
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game to clear off your mods?
10-27-2024 04:10 PM
Yes I have but I don’t not need your help anymore thank you for helping me though
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