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Sudden stutter/jitter after a few minutes of play

Honored Guest
One issue after another... I set up my rift recently, and everything was sort of ok. Watched a few 360 videos, and they were ok too. Now I bought "please don't touch anything" and trying to play that. First few minutes is ok. But then, everything goes bad. I get terrible stuttering that makes me sick, and contributes to headache. Going back to oculus home does not solve the issue, but stuttering continues. Then after a few seconds, it stops. Restarting the game kicks in the stutter, and same cycle repeats. 

Things I tried:
 - Restarting Oculus home does not have any effect.
 - Rebooting PC, not starting any apps but Oculus. Same thing (first few minutes ok, then goes bad).
 - Ran compatibility tool, and USB drivers check out OK
 - Disconnected rift from usb, restart Oculus app, reconnect.
 - Swap USB ports with the sensor (I can't try a different one, as I have only 2 ports directly on the mobo)
 - Adjusted sensor location/positioning, no luck
 - Enabled "Performance" power profile
 - Reinstalled oculus app

I ran hardware monitor, and when this happens, I'm nowhere near full load on both GPU and CPU:
Yes, 770 does not meet recommended spec, but at 63% utilization, there is 50% more juice to be made out of this card, if that'd be an issue.

I've also made 120fps video of the stutter here: It's pretty much how it feels, and you can see very uneven frame changes.

One thing I noticed in the hardware monitor is that GPU is not at full clock speed. And I've read some people reference to power profile of Nvidia that can be adjusted, but I don't see it anywhere in the control panel.

Please advise.

Try disconnecting your Xbox controller

Honored Guest
Tried that, no luck. Still same issues.

One new thing showed up. As I was picking up trash, animation of that was really slow, much slower than yesterday, or when no stuttering happens. But CPU utilization is still under 15%. And video utilization is at ~65%.

Any suggestions?

Honored Visionary
I'd say, it's the 770 if it doesn't meet the recommended specs. Do your games run ok when you're not using the CV1? What are the rest of your Pc specs?

Honored Guest
Just installed FRAPS, and it's showing steady 19-20 FPS... All while my PC is way underutilized.

Honored Guest
All while lucky's tale has no issues rendering at full 90 fps at 50% GPU utilization, and 20% CPU utilization.

Honored Guest
Well, I don't buy the "minimum spec" argument. First, it's recommended. Second, there are demanding games, and there are easy games. So it will definitely vary.
Third, 770 is scoring 6,147 on PassMark benchmark, while 970 is at 8,667. Strictly speaking, if 970 is barely capable of 90 fps at full load and all, 770 should be cranking out at least 64 FPS. I'm seeing very steady 19-20.
Fourth, GPU is not overloaded. From HW monitor, it's only 60% busy, and that's with less than maximum GPU clock.

The rest of the system:
 - 24G RAM
 - Core i7-3770K (technically older generation than recommended i5, but it's faster than recommended i5 according to benchmarks).

Honored Visionary
I'm sorry you don't buy into the "minimum spec" argument. Because that's what I think your problem is. Remember the image has to be rendered twice in the Oculus Rift, but I'm sure you know all that already. 

Honored Guest
Ok, tried elite dangerous, same result. About 20 FPS. But here's the kicker: it's same experience on any of the quality settings, from LOW to ULTRA.

So I restarted again, this time killed Skype for good measure. Started ED, and... Smooth as butter! Well after initial splash screen I get occasional frame drop, but it is mostly flawless.

Loaded "please don't touch anything" again, and same result - I'm getting 20 FPS with terrible experience. So I restarted yet again. Killed skype for good measure too (and disconnected X52), and this time it ran smooth as butter for about 10 minutes.

So clearly the spec is enough to deliver mostly flawless experience. Something kills it from time to time though, and I'd like to know what it is, so that I don't have to restart every time I switch an app.

Honored Visionary
I'd reinstall your Windows then. I reinstall mine once a year to get rid of all the crap that builds up. I have a crappy computer I use for things like Skype, I wouldn't let that or any other crappy program near my gaming machine.
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