06-21-2023 12:29 AM
So last sunday vr games on pc like star wars squadrons or vader immortal ran super smooth until this monday, it was really suddenly, because it justs seems to happen with vr games but not with flat ones and ive been trying to find a fix for it but nothing really seems to work:(
Ive tried things like increasing the cpu and gpu speed, change a lot of settings in the oculus debug tool but nothing seems to work, and it was all working super nice until this morning, which i dont really understand why
06-21-2023 01:15 AM
PCVR games have revolutionized the way we experience virtual reality. The combination of powerful PC hardware and immersive VR headsets has created a whole new level of gaming immersion. Whether it's exploring fantastical worlds, engaging in intense action sequences, or solving mind-bending puzzles, PCVR games offer a truly unforgettable gaming experience.
One of the biggest advantages of PCVR games is the level of graphical fidelity they can achieve. With high-end graphics cards and processors, these games can deliver stunning visuals that transport players to breathtaking virtual realms. The attention to detail in the environments, character models, and special effects is truly remarkable, making every moment feel lifelike and captivating.
06-22-2023 08:31 AM
Hey hey, @ExtraGmr! We just wanted to pop on by to lend a hand with this performance issue you are having. We know how this can be a speed bump on your VR adventure, and we want to do everything we can to knock this issue out for you. Please try the following:
Once you try these steps and the issue persists, please reach out to us in our PMs. This can be done by selecting our name to get to our profile page, or by clicking here. You will then click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember that you must be signed in to the community first to send us a private message.
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