3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
I have been stuck in a loop with Meta support for weeks, as every single time I provide the information asked for in the support email, my reply gets completely ignored. Then the automated system asks if I still need help, I reply yes, and I get the same request for information again and again. At this point there are four issues which support has not helped with:
1. The replies getting ignored.
2. Replacing my faulty right Quest 2 controller (thumbstick drift, yes I have tried the methods to fix it). The support page said it is eligible for replacement, but I could not confirm the replacement due to the next issue:
3. Unknown email attached to my account. To confirm my replacement, I had to respond to a verification email sent to an email account which is not mine. I could not see it in full, but it is definitely not mine, and I definitely did not add it to my Meta account.
4. Incorrect previous refund. Potentially related to the prior issue, my account shows a processed refund for my device (same serial number), despite the fact I have never requested nor received any refunds. Clicking on this for more information leads to a dead webpage.
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