a month ago
I got a warning that my Facebook account would get suspended/banned for supposedly being under 13. I am 17 so sent through ID details via the online form but I still got banned on the 14th of January 2025. I have tried to follow the instructions of putting through an appeal but I cannot log into my Meta account. Every time it sends me a code to my Gmail I receive nothing and yes, I've checked my spam and I have no filters set up.
I created this Meta account solely so I could come here to seek help and all emails for this account are going through to another Gmail account fine.
I have tried looking at online help but have found nothing. I am currently locked out of my personal Facebook account and my Meta account for my Quest 2.
Please help.
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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