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Terrible audio crackling when using oculus link (quest 2)


Hello everyone I'm experiencing these awful audio crackling when using oculus link (with a cable)
they're kind of easy to miss on the quest speakers but its there if you listen carefully , they are really noticeable when there are any earphones plugged in... sometimes itll seems like its gone for a minute but always comes back after a couple minutes or next time starting oculus link...

its extremely noticeable when earphones plugged to quest & you open link > open desktop > open the little volume window on the bottom right of the screen and spam the volume mark (so it makes the little sound when you change volume) 

ive literally tried EVERYTHING! 

reinstalled drivers, changed cables it even happens with the official cable, change earphones, reinstall windows, factory reset quest,  tried changing bios settings, tried muting other audio devices, tried disabling sound enhancements, settings link bitrate to 0 or even 1, belive me i tried everything i could think might affect this problem or any suggestion i saw online but nothing helps

i saw that im not the only one complaining on this issue but no one seems to know a solution.. is there any hope for this or this is just how the quest 2 is...? 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, we see you're experiencing some crackling noises while using the Oculus Link. This is not the ideal gaming experience that we strive for with our customers. We would love to get to the bottom of this for you. We'd like to invite you to our private message so that we can look into this further for you. Please select our name to get to our profile page, or click here. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message.

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already done...

 your support is a joke

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