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The Meta Quest Link itself works, but it's kind of weird.

Honored Guest

I have a license to play Eleven table Tennis. Purchased through the Meta app. The game was installed in the Meta Quest Link without any problems. But he doesn't want to launch. I frayed two tambourines while I was trying to launch them. The glasses are connected via Airlink, and when I launch Eleven table Tennis, Windows issues an error: "the program has been terminated." Eleven.exe ".
The Meta Quest Link itself works, but it's kind of weird.
The Meta Quest Link (OVRServer64) program service starts automatically when the computer starts, and strange lags immediately begin. It feels like the focus periodically switches between Meta Quest Link and the desktop every two to 3 seconds. That is, you start typing somewhere, and the letters are entered after one or two. You press the button, and at that time the focus is in another program and the click goes there, then the focus comes back and the letter can be printed. Well, that's how it looks.

If you stop the process OVRServer64.exe through the Task Manager, then this focus jump disappears.This process is started by the OVRLauncher service. That's all I could find. If you start the console from the Debug Tool, then during the launch of VR there is a lot of redness that I don't understand anything about.
Do you know what the nuances are when launching? I launched another application in the Meta Quest Link - Google Earth – it works without problems.
  My computer's capabilities allowed me to go through Half-Life Alyx without any problems, so I think it should be able to play Eleven Table tennis all the more without any problems.
The GeForce experience is installed, authorized, and updated. The last video driver. There is no antivirus, Windows Defender has been disabled.




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