a month ago
Greetings Meta, Daniel here, and I am having a bit of an odd situation on my end, It turns out that I have gotten for last year's Xmas a meta quest 3S, and I have a PC capable of playing VR. However, the Meta Quest app for PC says that my Laptop is not compatible with VR? when it has the following specifications:
Honestly, these kinds of in-app notifications are misleading and should be fixed in an update or something. I am well aware that this topic has been talked about multiple times because of this. Thank you for your timely response
Solved! Go to Solution.
a month ago
@night.wing.zero9007 it's been a common thing since the Rift days, and meta support is just getting worse. SteamLink and Virtual Desktop are just less fussy about hardware requirements than link/airlink.
a month ago
@night.wing.zero9007 as you know, this issue has been going on forever. So, while you're waiting for meta to do absolutely nothing about it, you might consider using the SteamLink or Virtual Desktop apps to stream PCVR from your laptop the the headset wirelessly.
a month ago
I see, I believe this is a common thing with Quest users right?
a month ago
@night.wing.zero9007 it's been a common thing since the Rift days, and meta support is just getting worse. SteamLink and Virtual Desktop are just less fussy about hardware requirements than link/airlink.
a month ago
Usually you can just ignore those warnings and carry on. Sometimes they disappear after a while. A laptop 4060 isn’t as powerful as the desktop version but you should still get pretty good results imho.
a month ago
Also check if your 4060 is actually being used. Battery saving tech like Optimus has always been bad for VR (it switches to the built in Intel GPU which isn't Quest Link compatible when it thinks you don't need much GPU power). You might have a bios option to prefer the 4060 (it will reduce battery life, but improve VR compatibility).
My laptop has a 4080 and no warnings. Airlink runs great with my Quest 3. But the laptop has a hardware mux switch (lets me completely disable the Intel GPU and just use the 4080).
a month ago - last edited a month ago
it will say that no matter what. This has been the case for Several years when it comes to their pcvr app. The absolute bare minimum required for PCVR is the upper end of 900 series. The warnings don't really matter, but their app thinking that your headset and pc aren't compatible can cause a whole host of issues such as stuttering, video desync ( only in your left eye) and so in, if you plan to play pcvr games through their dash itself, and I wouldn't recommend using their dash for pcvr. This won't be the case if you're ONLY using steamvr, virtual desktop or the steamlink app and not their dash. The reason you MAY and most likely will have a smhorgusboard of issues is due to the fact that the oculus dash will idle and eat resources( and think that the dash itself isn't compatible ) while you're playing games through steam vr. Rather than the dash be closed and not active.
Meta has no interest in pcvr, supporting pcvr, or making the pcvr experience worthwhile at all. They haven't updated anything in regards to pcvr in 6 years outside removing features and renaming it on the surface to say Meta Quest Link. ( they're also just removing things entirely from quest 2 itself for standalone ). They've even gone so far as to remove a majority of features from their dashboard for pc once they stopped supporting the Rift S itself.
They are not going, and don't have plans to fix or update any part of their pcvr experiences, or app. Don't wait around for it because it won't happen. Standalone is all that matters to them, because they've convinced themselves that their mobile processors are somehow better than a pc, even when knowing that a majority of pcvr users are using their headsets exclusively
My recommendation would be to get the Oculus Killer mod from Github, If you don't use standalone at all and don't meet the requirements for VD, or steamlink app( meaning you have to use a link cable) , use developer mode and set it to boot straight into link, anytime the headset is turned on and also has an active link, this way you can entirely ignore their app, and go directly into steamvr anytime you turn your headset on.
IF, meta really wanted to, all they need to do is perform the same check they do for seeing if you have MQL open on your pc, but instead check to see if you have steam open, and allow you to launch yourself into steamvr entirely without their app. That's essentially all they have to do for pcvr is ALLOW the user to bypass their garbage software, if they were to choose to do that themselves. It would take them a few hours to implement this as a features. Oculus killer, shows us that if meta REALLY had any interest in pcvr, that it would take them less than 200 lines of code, for them to allow us to have a good time, without their headache of a software.
My bad for ranting. It's been years. Would take them a few short hours to fix this **bleep** in ANY number of ways. It LITERALLY only would take a few hours to make this the best headset on the market. The most they're willing to do in terms of software updates for pc is to give us a rename with a new logo though.
a month ago
@Marble.S wrote:
My bad for ranting. It's been years. Would take them a few short hours to fix this **bleep** in ANY number of ways. It LITERALLY only would take a few hours to make this the best headset on the market. The most they're willing to do in terms of software updates for pc is to give us a rename with a new logo though.
@Marble.S Please feel free to rant all you want mate, lol!
I've used Oculus/Meta software for +6 years, starting with a Rift cv1, and have owned every headset they've made since then. Except for the odd update glitch, which usually got sorted out quickly, I've never have had any problems and I think their software has improved a lot over time, esp Link and Air Link.
I'm currently running a QPro (mainly PCVR with Link for flight/racing sims) and a Q3 for everything else (standalone and wireless PCVR with Air Link). The only addon I've found useful is the Oculus Tray Tool (OTT) and I use this mainly for its game profiles where I can finetune super sampling and asw modes.
OTT now seems to be unsupported (like OpenXR Toolkit) so I don't know how long I'll be able to use this. No big deal since everything I do with it can be done manually by adjusting the Oculus Debug Tool (ODT) values. Just not as convenient. Hopefully Meta will introduce game profiles to ODT in the near future. I have been talking to them and they say they are looking into this.
So, like I said, feel free to rant away, but please be aware that many longtime users don't share your rants. If you want to get a lot more agreement with your rants I suggest you post away on Reddit. Reddit kiddies (many who probably don't even have a VR headset) will def confirm they have 'exactly the same problems', lol!
a month ago
I wasn't asking for agreement.
Just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it untrue.
Very weird to be condescending at the end there, when it wasn't an argument.
a month ago
@Marble.S All Ranters want agreement imho. Otherwise, why bother ranting, lol!
All I meant to convey was my experience, not bash yours. Sorry if that came across the wrong way. Let’s just agree to disagree. Cheers.
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