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The New Oculus Main Menu - total disaster

I've just found that I have a new main menu in Oculus and it's so buggy that I can't use Oculus anymore.
In the previous version switching between my library and the store was a matter of milliseconds. Now a  new room is opening and then the Store begins loading and it never loads. I mean NEVER!  And my fingers have darker twins - I curl my fingers, but a darker twin remains in the previous position. I want to revert to the old version!

I've tried in this video to show neverending loading of the Store and the strange fingers ghosts.

And this is just small part of all bugs. I can't load details for any App. I can't load certain games... etc.



Thmoas said:

Support can't help you? What do they say? What did they let you try?

They wanted log files. Suggested me to create avatar to resolve the hands issue - that worked. Then they asked me if on all networks this happens. Yes, on all networks I have the problem.
And this "The video is utilizing Dash, which does not support multiple graphics
adapters. and might mean that your display is running on a different
graphics card." Which I'm not sure I can understand.

This is what the Oculus support told me today:
" These are the domains that need to be accessible:

In addition, TCP ports 443 and 3478, and UDP port range
50000-59999 have to be clear to these domains in order to access all
parts of the Oculus servers and games. "

I've tried two internet providers, I've tried with VPN, I disabled all firewalls and antivirus programs.
I really can't understand what is going on?!?!?!

Man you must be about ready to just give up mate.  I have basically the same AW 17r4 and it all works fine.  Maybe also try Dell support.  There are quite a few that know the rift since it’s the platform they mainly test as VR-ready.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

I'm terribly sure what will tell me the Dell support- ask the Oculus support.

I use Alienware almost only for Oculus. It worked fine with the old version. I didn't install any new software meanwhile. It's too easy to say - it's network problem, but the Oculus support are free to check my PC, and to find that there is not any network problem. How can I prove that there are no network problems???
14 days nobody can't help me.

I can access the store using my desktop, and I can install new apps. But can't load the store inside the oculus home 2.0

I've just decided to enter Oculus using my facebook account and now I can enter the Store, but I still can't enter the Oculus Desktop. 

One thing you can do to try to improve things is to use an external monitor connected to your 17r4 mini DisplayPort and only project to this.  By doing this you will bypass your intel integrated gpu and solely use your nvidia gpu.  This will make a lot of apps, including Oculus run a lot more stable.  Also, you should see a slight improvement in overall performance as well.  I use an inexpensive gaming monitor (Asus VG248QE 144hz) and this works great.

Another trick you might try if you do not have an external monitor is to go to your nvidia control panel 3d program settings and select c:\windows\system32\runtimebroker.exe.  Then assign this program to your integrated gpu .  I had to do this with WMR in order to view my desktop within the WMR cliff house.  this was necessary with WMR with our 17r4 because the laptop monitor still need to go through the intel igpu.  Honestly, these integrated gpu systems are a real pita imho.  I know they are supposed to be easier on your batteries, but who runs a gaming Laptop on batteries anyway?
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

As I said it's obvious an account issue there is no any monitor involved.
I can load store when I enter with my facebook credentials

Ya, well hopefully if it's just an account issue you can eventually sort this out with them ok.  I recently had a peck of problems when I changed my Oculus password (on Oculus's request btw because they found that I used the same password on another account, probably facebook).  I ended up needing to reinstall everything on my Rift, Go, and iPhone app.  I don't use my facebook account to sign in, nor do I have it linked btw.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers
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