12-17-2024 02:59 AM - edited 12-18-2024 02:57 AM
Okay, so I grabbed The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners today and fired it up - now, the Main menu, the Logo and all of the on-screen tutorial messages don't show up when straight looking at them. I can only "see" them, when I tilt my head to the left. This way I am barely able to read the text. Also the Stamina/Health HUD only pops up randomly when looking at my left shoulder. The belt seems okay, though.
The HUD only works if I stand at the very edge of my setup roomspace, right in the corner with no ability to flail my arms anywhere and a glass closet right next to me....
I tried:
Couldn't find this issue in the forums nor reddit etc, so I assume it's something I haven't thought of yet?
What else could I try to do? Right now the game's not playable this way. Other games are fine.
There must be a way to tell the game to use a different room setup so I can stand in the MIDDLE of my playspace?
12-21-2024 12:20 PM
I am having the same problem. Game is not playable, as none of the menus are on screen they are all showing off to the side and when I try to look at them they disappear. I tried getting through the tutorial but could not interact with the communication menu at all. Not having this issue with any other game.
12-22-2024 02:47 AM
Had a small update of the OS today (had to manually shut down the Quest by holding the power button and selecting shutdown, then turn on again) and now the issue SEEMS to be resolved. Will test later again.
01-12-2025 12:32 PM
I am having the same problem here, my Quest 3 is in the latest OS version and I tried the all the Steps above. Looking into other places, I can see people having the same problems but couldn't find a fix. Any suggestions?
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