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The library is not active

Honored Guest

Hello, I would like to describe the problem, half a year ago I had a ques 2 account I had created for it and I safely unlinked it when I had it gone. But when I created a new meta account, everything is fine there, and moreover, when comparing the menu of accounts, I noticed that there are differences, the windows themselves in the new one are closed with a cross from the bottom, and in the old one there are crosses from the top from the left and noticed differences in the settings of the menu itself, in the old one there are no such functions as in the new one, is it some kind of rossynchron or how? I've already tried everything and casting, and bnewing into a handheld headset, linking unlinked the account.I want to note that when I link a new account first, and my main account to it, on which there was quest 2, then everything works well for everyone and the library only I did not pay attention to the functions. And when I first tie the main one, and tie a new one to it, then the library does not work on the main one, but works on the tied new one.


Honored Guest

I have meta quest 3, the new account works fine on it, and my main one works, but the library does not function and I noticed differences in the settings, there are just no such tabs as in the new one, please help

Honored Guest

I’ve already tried everything: factory resets, linking and unlinking my account, attaching and detaching a new Facebook account to my Meta account, hard resetting, and even resetting through the hard reset button. I’ve clicked through various settings and explored different options, but I have no idea what could be wrong with the account. It just doesn’t make sense. It feels like the account is partially stuck on the Quest 2, as even the window sizes differ when switching between profiles on the headset.

Honored Guest

Hello, I’d like to describe an issue I’ve been experiencing. About six months ago, I owned a Quest 2, as well as the account I created for it. When I stopped using the Quest 2, I successfully unlinked the device. However, after linking my primary account to the Meta Quest 3, the library stopped working, and some functions appear different compared to a new account I created for testing purposes.


When I created a new Meta account, everything worked fine. Moreover, when comparing the menus of the two accounts, I noticed differences. For example, in the new account, windows close with an “X” button at the bottom, whereas in the old account, the “X” button is at the top left. I also noticed differences in the settings menu: the old account lacks some of the features available in the new one.


Is this some kind of desynchronization issue? I’ve already tried everything: factory resets, re-linking and unlinking accounts, casting, and using the headset in standalone mode.


One thing I’ve noticed is that if I first link the new account and then link my primary account (the one associated with the Quest 2), everything works fine, including the library, though I didn’t pay attention to the menu differences. But when I link my primary account first and then the new one, the library doesn’t work on the primary account, only on the newly linked one.


What could be causing this?

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