01-05-2025 07:01 AM - edited 01-05-2025 08:53 AM
I was running the new alien rogue game yesterday morning on my Meta 2 on my PC with ALL dynamic disks.
I had some problems getting my PC sound to work again above and beyond the whole "select playback device" thing.
Due to the whole sound thing, I did uninstall my older install of the whole Rift/quest 1 suite (which was updated yesterday morning seemingly seamlessly.)
When I attempted a clean install of "link" is when I ran across the whole debacle regarding the one program in existence that requires a non dynamic disc. I heard in the rabbit hole that its just the installer. But I also noticed these posts went back to 2016.
So how the heck did I get away with it for these last 2 years? Does anyone have a solution? Any input?
I read hundreds of posts of people checking back in over than span of years to see if the installer was reworked to not be the one piece of software in modern history to allow an install on dynamic disks.
I Think the Ocu/Meta product is great, but why not open the customer spectrum and rework the installer?
good day.
UPDATE: So I took a chunk of my dynamic disk and created a VHD IN windows disk management. I am now successfully running the setup file as such: OculusSetup.exe /drive=F.
I don't know how well it will run, but if there is a performance hit due to VHD translation, (maybe not due to m.2) then I wonder about migrating the installation (copying it to another volume seeing as the install error is purely a disk check anomly) and changing paths in registry and installation location.
UPDATE 2: Just got done playing Alien Rogue Inc from the VHD I created on my DYNAMIC disk of about 12 GB. This is a solid workaround and I hope it helps someone else!
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